Network Support Library
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6400 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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Installation Guide
Reference Manual
DigiCHANNEL C/X System
Novell AIO Driver
DigiBoard, DigiCHANNEL and C/X are trademarks of DigiBoard. NetWare, NetWare
Access and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Incorporated. All other
brand and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright c Digi International, Inc. 1992
All Rights Reserved
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of DigiBoard.
DigiBoard provides this document "as is", without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose.
DigiBoard may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the prod
uct(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.
This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be in
corporated in new editions of the publication.
For non-U. S. Government use:
These programs are supplied under a license. They may be used, disclosed,
and/or copied only as permitted under such license agreement. Any copy must
contain the above copyright notice and this restricted rights notice. Use, copy
ing, and/or disclosure of the programs is strictly prohibited unless otherwise
provided in the license agreement.
For U.S. Government use:
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as
set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause of DFARS 52.227-7013.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview
DigiBoard's support for Novell compatible asynchronous applications is
provided through a universal driver conforming to the "AIO" (Asynchronous
Input/Output) specification. Use the AIO driver when DigiBoard hardware is
being installed in the file server (or machine with run-time NetWare 3.X).
When DigiBoard hardware is installed in a machine other than the server
(for instance NetWare Access Server V1.2) use the specific driver for that
AIO drivers are loaded on the file server from the system console (or
RCONSOLE) command line or the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. Installation is simply a
matter of copying of the driver files AIODGCX.NLM and AIODGMEM.NLM.
1.2 Compatibility
The DigiBoard AIO driver supports the ISA, EISA and MCA versions of the
DigiCHANNEL C/X system and therefore can be used on all three platforms.
The driver will support up to 4 DigiCHANNEL C/X host adapters on ISA and
EISA bus servers. Each host adapter may have up to eight DigiCHANNEL C/CON-
16 concentrators attached, for a total of up to 128 ports per host adapter.
These DigiCHANNEL host adapters may be configured to use the same memory
address ("stacked") or may be configured for unique addresses.
On MCA bus servers the driver will support up to 4 DigiCHANNEL C/X host
adapters--however, your server may be limited to 2 boards due to conflicts
with the network adapter card and ESDI hard disk controller.
Concentrators may be connected locally (direct wiring), or remotely (via
high-speed synchronous modems). This driver supports one modem pair per
synchronous line, and the modems must be installed between the host adapter
and the first concentrator (i.e. local and remote concentrators may not be
combined on a single synchronous line).
2.0 Installation and Configuration
2.1 Copying the Files
To install the DigiBoard AIO driver, simply copy the relevant files to your
file server. The DigiBoard AIO files (AIODGCX.NLM, AIOCXCFG.NLM and
AIODGMEM.NLM) should be copied to the system directory of the file server,
typically called F:\SYSTEM. Copy the files from a workstation to the file
server with the commands:
2.2 Configuring the AIO Driver
Before the AIO driver can be loaded for the first time, it must be
configured to match the DigiCHANNEL C/X System hardware you have installed
in your server. The configuration program, AIOCXCFG, rewrites the driver
file, AIODGCX.NLM, with the new configuration data. The new configuration
becomes permanent, and can only be changed by re-running the configuration
To configure the AIO Driver, enter the following command from the server:
load aiocxcfg
You will see the banner for the configuration utility:
| DigiBoard C/X AIO Driver Configuration Utility V 1.00 |
Below the banner, the current driver configuration will be displayed. On
ISA and EISA servers, the configuration fields will be empty, as shown
| |
| DigiBoard Driver Configuration |
| |
| Brd Type I/O Addr Mem Addr #Concs Brd# Brd Name |
| |
| AIODGCX.NLM configured for 0 Boards |
| |
On Micro Channel servers, which read board configuration information
directly from the POS, the configuration fields will already be filled in.
The number of concentrators will be automatically set to a default value of
1, and the board name will be set to "DigiCX00" (if multiple host adapters
are present, they will be named "DigiCX01", "DigiCX02" and "DigiCX03"):
| |
| DigiBoard Driver Configuration |
| |
| Brd Type I/O Addr Mem Addr #Concs Brd# Brd Name |
| |
| MCA Port 108h 0D8000h 1 0 DigiCX00 |
| |
Below the configuration display a box will appear listing the available
configuration options:
| Available Options |
| >| Add Board |
| | Delete Board |
| | Change Board Parameters |
| | Configure Synch Lines |
| | Set Altpin Option |
| | Set AIO Version |
| | Exit |
(On Micro Channel servers, the "Add Board" and "Delete Board" options will
be absent, since the driver configuration program takes its information
directly from the POS.)
2.2.1 Adding Boards
Step 1.To add an ISA or EISA host adapter to the configuration, use the
up and down arrow keys to position the pointer next to "Add
Board" and press <Enter>. The configuration program will put up
a series of menus requesting information about the host adapter
and synchronous line configuration. These are the same menus
that come up if you select "Change Board Parameters" and
"Configure Sync Lines" from the main "Available Options" menu.
To add a Micro Channel host adapter, simply install the board
(follow the procedure in the Installation Guide and Reference
Manual for the Micro Channel host adapter) and run the Automatic
Configuration program on the IBM reference diskette. Skip steps
2 and 3, below, and proceed to step 4.
Step 2.I/O Options (ISA Host Adapters)
You will first be asked to specify the board's I/O port address
(as set on the board's DIP switches):
| I/O Options |
| >| Port 108h |
| | Port 118h |
| | Port 128h |
| | Port 208h |
| | Port 228h |
| | Port 308h |
| | Port 328h |
The following table shows the DIP switch settings for the I/O
Address SW1 SW2 SW3
------- --- --- ---
128h OFF ON ON
228h ON OFF ON
308h ON ON OFF
328h ON ON ON
If you are installing an ISA host adapter in an EISA server, you
will also be asked for the number of the slot in which the board
Step 2. I/O Options (EISA Host Adapters)
To add an EISA host adapter to the configuration, use the up and
down arrow keys to position the pointer next to "Add Board" and
press <Enter>. You will now be asked to specify the board's slot
| I/O Options |
| >| Slot 1 |
| | Slot 2 |
| | Slot 3 |
| | Slot 4 |
| | Slot 5 |
| | Slot 6 |
| | Slot 7 |
| | Slot 8 |
Step 3.Memory Options (ISA and EISA)
Now you will be asked to select a starting address for the
board's shared memory. Multiple C/X host adapters may use the
same starting address. Note that while there are 14 address
options, many of these will be unavailable due to other memory
and peripheral considerations. The addresses most likely to be
available are 0D8000h and 0D0000h.
| Memory Options |
| >| 080000h |
| | 088000h |
| | 090000h |
| | 098000h |
| | 0A0000h |
| | 0A8000h |
| | 0B0000h |
| | 0B8000h |
| | 0C0000h |
| | 0C8000h |
| | 0D0000h |
| | 0D8000h |
| | 0E0000h |
| | 0E8000h |
Step 4.Number of Concentrators
On ISA and EISA servers, the configuration program will now ask
for the number of concentrators attached to the host adapter.
Select 1 to 8 concentrators by moving the pointer to the desired
number and press <Enter>.
| Concentrators |
| >| 1 Concentrator |
| | 2 Concentrators |
| | 3 Concentrators |
| | 4 Concentrators |
| | 5 Concentrators |
| | 6 Concentrators |
| | 7 Concentrators |
| | 8 Concentrators |
If the server is a Micro Channel machine, select "Change Board
Parameters" from the main ("Available Options") menu, then select
"# Concentrators" to get this screen.
Step 5.Host Adapter Sync Line Configuration
Now you need to set up the host adapter's synchronous line
parameters. These include the wiring mode (4 or 8 wire),
Transmit Clock mode (Internal or External) and the baud rate.
The following screen will come up automatically for ISA and EISA
servers; for Micro Channel servers, select "Change Board
Parameters" from the main ("Available Options") menu, then select
"Config Sync Lines", and finally, select "Host Adapter":
| C/X Host Adapter Sync Line Configuration |
| |
| Line Mode TX Clock Speed |
| |
| 1 > 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| |
| <ESC> to Quit |
Step 5a. Wiring Mode
To change the wiring mode, use the up, down, left and right arrow
keys to place the pointer next to the wiring mode you wish to
change, then press <Enter>. For maximum throughput under
moderate to heavy loads, 8-Wire mode is recommended. If the
concentrators are to be located at a remote site and connected to
the host adapter via high-speed synchronous modems, 8-Wire mode
is required.
Step 5b. Transmit Clock Mode
To change the Transmit Clock mode, use the up, down, left and
right arrow keys to place the pointer next to the TX Clock mode
you wish to change, then press <Enter>. Select Internal for
local (hard-wired) concentrators, and External for remote
concentrators (connected via high-speed synchronous modems).
Step 5c. Line Speed Selection
Now choose the baud rate for the synchronous lines. Use the up,
down, left and right arrow keys to place the pointer next to the
Line Speed you wish to change, then press <Enter>. If you chose
8-Wire, Internal clocking above, the recommended Line Speed is
1.2 megabaud ("1.2M"). If you chose 4-Wire, Internal clocking,
the maximum baud rate is 460K. If you are using high-speed
synchronous modems to connect to remote concentrators, use the
fastest baud rate supported by your modems.
| Select Line Speed |
| | 2400 |
| | 4800 |
| | 9600 |
| | 19.2K |
| | 38.4K |
| | 57.6K |
| | 76.8K |
| | 115K |
| | 230K |
| | 460K |
| | 920K |
| >| 1.2M |
Step 6.Concentrator Sync Line Configuration
Next, you will be asked to set up the concentrator's sync line
parameters (this will not affect the sync line parameters you set
for the host adapter). You will see a screen similar to the
| C/X Concentrator Sync Line Configuration |
| |
| Line Mode TX Clock Speed |
| |
| Conc 1 > 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 2 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 3 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 4 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 5 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 6 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 7 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 8 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| |
| <ESC> to Quit |
Note that only the Line number and Speed can be changed, and that
the speed of the last concentrator on each line will always
reflect the host adapter's speed setting for that line.
Step 6a. Sync Line Selection
By default, concentrators 1 through 4 will be placed on Line 1,
and concentrators 5 through 8 will be placed on Line 2. To
redistribute the concentrators, use the up, down, left and right
arrow keys to move the pointer to the Line number of the
concentrator you wish to change, and press <Enter>. Note that
configuring any concentrator for Line 1 will automatically change
all lower-numbered concentrators to Line 1, and setting any
concentrator to Line 2 will automatically change all higher-
numbered concentrators to Line 2.
Step 6b. Line Speed Selection
By default, all concentrators will be assigned the maximum line
speed for their wiring mode (1.2 megabaud for 8-wire and 460K for
4-wire), except the last concentrator in the daisy chain, which
will be set for the same line speed as the host adapter line to
which the concentrators are attached. Under normal circum
stances, this setting should not be changed (changing the line
speed will degrade the performance of all concentrators connected
to this host adapter synchronous line).
Step 7.Changing the C/X Host Adapter's Name
You will now be given the oportunity to change the name of the
host adapter. By default, host adapters are named "DigiCX00"
through "DigiCX03". For Micro Channel servers, select "Change
Board Parameters" from the main ("Available Options") menu, then
select "Host Adapter Name" to get this screen:
| Change C/X Host Adapter Name |
| |
| Current Name : DigiCX00 |
| |
| Enter New Name : |
| |
| <ENTER> to Accept Current Name |
| |
To keep the default name, simply press <Enter>.
Now press <Esc> to return to the main ("Available Options") menu.
This completes the procedure for adding host adapters to the
2.2.2 Removing Boards
To remove an ISA or EISA host adapter from the configuration, select
"Delete Board" from the main ("Available Options") menu. Then, in the
Driver Configuration box, move the pointer to the board you wish to
remove, and press <Enter>.
| |
| DigiBoard Driver Configuration |
| |
| Brd Type I/O Addr Mem Addr #Concs Brd# Brd Name |
| |
| > ISA Port 108h 0D8000h 8 0 DigiCX00 |
| ISA Port 118h 0D8000h 8 1 DigiCX01 |
| ISA Port 208h 0D8000h 8 2 DigiCX02 |
| ISA Port 218h 0D8000h 8 3 DigiCX03 |
| |
The "Delete Board" option is not available for Micro Channel servers,
since the driver configuration program takes its information directly
from the POS. To delete a board from a Micro Channel server, remove the
board from the computer and run the configuration utility on your IBM
reference diskette, then reload the DigiBoard AIO driver configuration
utility. The board you removed should no longer appear in the driver
configuration box.
2.2.3 Enabling and Disabling the AltPin Feature
This feature internally swaps the signals DCD (Data Carrier Detect) and
DSR (Data Set Ready). This is useful for concentrator models that are
equipped with RJ-45 modular jacks for the serial connections. The DCD
signal is normally on pin 10 of the RJ-45 jack, which makes it
inaccessible to 8-pin RJ-45 plugs.
When the AltPin feature is enabled, pin 2 of the 10-pin RJ-45 connector
will be interpreted by the driver as the DCD signal. This corresponds
to pin 1 of an 8-pin RJ-45 connector. Pin 10 then becomes DSR. Be sure
that your cabling reflects this configuration.
To configure the AIO driver to use the alternate pin assignments, select
"Set AltPin Option" from the main ("Available Options") menu, then
select the board from the Driver Configuration box:
| |
| DigiBoard Driver Configuration |
| |
| Brd Type I/O Addr Mem Addr #Concs Brd# Brd Name |
| |
| > ISA Port 108h 0D8000h 8 0 DigiCX00 |
| ISA Port 118h 0D8000h 8 1 DigiCX01 |
| ISA Port 208h 0D8000h 8 2 DigiCX02 |
| ISA Port 218h 0D8000h 8 3 DigiCX03 |
| |
Now you will be shown a list of the concentrators attached to that host
adapter. Choose the concentrator you wish to configure for AltPin by
positioning the pointer and press <Enter>.
| Select C/X Concentrator for AltPin Configuration. |
| |
| Line Mode TX Clock Speed |
| |
| > Conc 1 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 2 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 3 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 4 1 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 5 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 6 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 7 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| Conc 8 2 8-Wire Internal 1.2M |
| |
| <ESC> to Quit |
You will now see a list of the ports on the selected concentrator, and
their AltPin status. Use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to
position the pointer by the port you wish to change. Press <Enter> to
toggle the AltPin status of the selected port.
| Port AltPin Status |
| |
| Host Adapter 0 Concentrator 1 |
| |
| > Port 1 : Enabled Port 2 : Disabled |
| Port 3 : Disabled Port 4 : Disabled |
| Port 5 : Disabled Port 6 : Disabled |
| Port 7 : Disabled Port 8 : Disabled |
| Port 9 : Disabled Port 10 : Disabled |
| Port 11 : Disabled Port 12 : Disabled |
| Port 13 : Disabled Port 14 : Disabled |
| Port 15 : Disabled Port 16 : Disabled |
| |
| <ENTER> to toggle Status <ESC> to Quit |
| |
2.2.4 Selecting the AIO Version
The AIO driver needs to be configured for the version of AIO you are
using on your server (the version number is displayed in a banner
message when you load AIO on the server). From the main ("Available
Options") menu, select "Set AIO Version". You will see the following
| AIO Version : V1.02 |
| >| V1.02 and earlier |
| | V1.03 and later |
Move the pointer to the appropriate line and press <Enter>.
NOTE: Depending upon the AIO version, the board number ("Board #" in
the Driver Configuration box) will vary. In versions 1.02 and
earlier, board numbers are assigned sequentially in the order in
which the boards are added to the configuration (in Micro Channel
servers, this is the order in which they appear in the POS). In
versions 1.03 and later, the board numbers are dependent upon the
I/O port addresses (Port 108 = Board 0, Port 118 = Board 1,
etc.), and therefore may not appear in sequential order in the
Driver Configuration box.
2.2.5 Saving the Configuration
Once all parameters have been set as desired, select "Exit" from the
main ("Available Options") menu. When asked if you want to save the
configuration, answer "Y" to save the changes, or "N" to leave the
driver unchanged.
2.3 Loading the AIO Driver
To load the configured AIO driver, enter the following command on the
server's console:
load aiodgcx
Upon successfully loading the driver, the following banner message (or
similar) will appear:
NetWare 3.X AIO DigiBoard C/X Driver
Version 1.00 July 1, 1992
Copyright 1992, Digi International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Initialized successfully.
The driver is now ready for use.
2.4 Changing the AIO Driver's Configuration
To reconfigure the AIO driver, enter the following command on the server's
load aiocxcfg
You will be shown the current configuration, and the "Available Options"
menu. Make the desired changes (the various menus are described in section
2.2 of this manual) and save the new configuration.
3.0 Error Messages
If there is a problem with the installation, one or more of the following error
messages may appear after you load the driver.
*Error: Driver Already Loaded.
This message will appear if the driver is presently loaded. To reload
the driver you must first unload the present memory copy of the driver
by entering "unload aiodgcx" at the server console. Then you may reload
the driver.
*Error: Driver Configured for 0 Boards. Configure Driver with AIOCXCFG.NLM.
This message indicates that the driver is configured for 0 boards. You
must "load aiocxcfg" to configure the driver to support at least one
*Error: AllocateIOResourceTag failed.
*Error: Allocate Resource Tag failed.
*Error: AllocateAESResourceTag failed.
*Error: Allocation of PortConfig memory failed.
*Error: Allocation of PortStats memory failed.
These messages indicate that the driver encountered difficulties while trying
to obtain resources from AIO. This usually indicates that the system is out
of resources. Unload any unnecessary NLMs and reload the driver.
*Error: AIORegisterDriver failed (code=xx).
This message indicates that another driver has already registered the C/X
hardware type (possibly illegally). Unload other AIO drivers and reload the
C/X AIO driver.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Port 208 not found.
This message indicates that the driver could not find a board with port 208h.
Check to insure that you have specified the correct I/O port or that you have
properly configured the board's port address.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Hardware Reset fails.
This message indicates that the driver could not place the board into a reset
state. This is most likely the result of an I/O port address conflict or a
faulty board. Be sure that there are no other I/O ports in your system at
the indicated I/O port address.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - AIORegisterBoard failed (code=xx).
This message indicates that an error occured while trying to register the
board with AIO. This failure is usually the result of no system resources,
or a duplicate board number. Check the driver configuration for duplicate
board numbers. If none exist, unload unnecessary NLMs to free system
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Failed Hardware Registration.
This message indicates that an error occured while trying to register
the board's specific hardware addresses with AIO.
The following error messages are usually the result of memory and/or I/O address
conflicts with other devices within your system. Insure that no such conflicts
exist. If errors persist, your board may be defective.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Memory not found error x.
This message indicates that the driver could not find the board's memory. x
indicates the number of memory errors found in a 256 byte block.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Memory error x.
This message indicates that the driver has found the board's memory, but it
appears to be faulty. x indicates the number of errors found in a 256 byte
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Memory fails disable x.
This message indicates that the board's memory could not be disabled.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - BIOS fails initialization.
This message indicates that the board's on-board BIOS did not initialize
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - NMI Fails during FEPOS execution.
This message indicates a failure during transfer of the on-board operating
system code.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - FEPOS Fails Initialization.
This message indicates that the on-board operating system did not initialize
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Command <x> failure during Initialization.
This message indicates that the on-board operating system encountered a
failure during initialization of the asynchronous channels.
Board 0 : Port 208, Mem D0000 - Memory Fails Window Test.
This message indicates that the board fails to window it's memory pages